Productivity, Open, Followers, Creativity
☕ Good Morning!
If you’re using Notion as part of your productivity suite, you’ll be happy to learn that starting yesterday, Notion is free for personal use with no storage limit. I currently use Bear and Things for improving my productivity (love both of these from simplicity and UI) but will look at Notion more closely. Question for me is whether you have multiple apps, where each is focused on a core function and benefit, doing that brilliantly, or you use a single app that tries to do it all. Notion could probably do much of both Bear + Things, but does it do it as well as they do? And then there is also Trello and other software… If you have a productivity setup you swear by, I would be really happy to hear your comments.
🚀 Maker News
Dru Riley has created another great Trends Report, this time on Open Startups. My first contact with this form of business transparency was through @levelsio’s 12 startups in 12 months and the marketing success that it became. The first company to implement this strategy was Buffer and they are still doing it today. As always, Dru does a great job of listing the key players, predictions, opportunities as well as links for further reading. If you want to go more in-depth, you can purchase the pro report on Gumroad for $7. You can view the free report here.
🏗️ Build + Launch
A brief but poignant Twitter thread by David Perell on his tips for growing your email list. It seems David had around 9,000 subscribers back in early August 2019 (not even a year ago!). He now counts 25,000! The best piece of advice he gives is to write emails that people enjoy reading! Read the full Twitter thread here.
Continuing from above, Daniel Vassallo just tweeted that he’s achieved sales of $73k in the last 30 days, with the largest share of his revenue ($59K) coming from his Gumroad Twitter course “Everyone can build a Twitter Audience”. Amazing numbers and he puts much of his success down to the Twitter following he has built. In the Twitter thread below, Daniel does an AMA, answering over 100+ questions so far. He’s still answering, in case you have any questions…
@profulsadangi has put together another great sketch note below, capturing some of the key learnings from Daniel’s AMA.
🖥️ NoCode
Want to learn how to put together a job board using Webflow and Zapier? Ben Tossell, founder of Makerpad has published a five-part tutorial explaining how it’s done. Watch here.
💭 Afterthought
In The healing power of art by Harvard Health Publishing it reads that “creative activities can relieve stress, aid communication, and help arrest cognitive decline”. So if you want to give your Maker brain a break, head over to and draw some stressless Mandalas 😎 Thanks for the share Indie Hackers and have a great day everyone!