History, Make, Personas, Progress
☕ Good Morning!
Sorry, a little late today. The impactful events of the past few days in America have made me realise that I still have much to learn. To begin, I am reading this extensive Twitter thread written by @ericabuddington, which looks at the history of black oppression, dating back to the Cincinnati riots of 1829. She also lists a range of books, documentaries and podcasts to extend your learning. Read the full thread here.
🚀 Maker News
In light of the current events, @gill_works made an inspired call to action to the Maker + NoCode community, that “there are so many problems at the core of this issue, and they all need solutions.” So pick a problem that grieves you and start building. To anyone who is new to this community, you will find friendly and open people who are there to support you if you want to take action. Read the full thread here.
@MichaelJNovotny has studied dozens of Makers who have launched NoCode apps, marketplaces and job boards. He shares with us the three personas which he sees as the game-changers: The Startup Builder, The Contrarian Maker and The Niche Insider Maker. Read the full thread here and learn more about starting a NoCode project in Side Project Stack.
🖥️ Build + Launch + NoCode
So, are you tickled to build something? Check out Content Writing Job, a NoCode build by @edgarasben which recently launched on Product Hunt. It’s a semi-automated job board using Webflow (website/cms), Airtable (database), Integromat (automations) and ConvertKit (email service provider). You can learn more about building a NoCode job board by watching this five part tutorial on Makerpad.
@Vinrob shares a few more productized service ideas with us. These can all be built with NoCode, so maybe they will help you brew up a new idea that solves a problem. if you want to learn more about this visit PStartups.
To finish off, @nocodedevs shares a beginners resource provided by @integromat on NoCode automations. Learning how automations function becomes indispensable when you build your a product and want to connect Airtable, Memberstack, Gmail and many other apps to your Webflow CMS. Read the full post here.
💭 Afterthought
To end, @mijusten tweets a poignant video by the late American Writer James Baldwin, with words that sum up the frustration: “how much time do you want for progress?” Take care of each other and see you tomorrow!
You can also find me on Twitter if you’d like to follow my thoughts in real-time!