Future, Spirits, Growth, Cash, Rumble
Good morning everyone! Let’s jump right in. In a more somber article below Sean Illing speaks with Annie Lowrey, an economics writer at The Atlantic, on the consequences this pandemic together with the 2008 financial crisis will have for many Millennials, the scarring of the labour market and public policy. Read the full article here.
On a happier note, it’s always good to see that some people know how to keep their “spirits” up, even if it is with a well-mixed Negroni, Milanese style of course. Stanley Tucci shows us how it’s done.
🌐 Maker Stories
A brief essay by Seth Godin on how bootstrappers build and create value. He rightly points out that “Innovation almost always comes from individuals who see a chance to make things better. Instead of waiting, they go first.” Read the full article here.
🌐 Build, Launch, Monetise
I just caught this tutorial from Webflow today. It’s absolutely amazing what you can with their #NoCode website builder. Now you can nest collections within collections! Apologies to all who might not have the faintest idea what I am talking about, but trust me that when you do, you’ll understand... This software really is making web development accessible for the masses! Watch the tutorial here and see how easy it is.
Good article by Pete Flint from NfX, a seed-stage venture firm based in San Francisco, on his view of growth vs profitability. Cash will be tight, new cash will harder to find, so conserve what you have and optimise your customer acquisition costs. At the same “Crisis spurs ingenuity” and “there’s nothing like staring down a diminishing cash balance to focus the mind”. After all “Great Companies Rise In Times of Crisis”. Read the full article here.
🌐 Events & Podcasts
Ben Tossell, the founder of Makerpad has announced the launch of their official Podcast. To begin, you are spoilt with three episodes, including:
Vlad Magdalin, Co-founder & CEO at @webflow (52 mins). Listen to podcast.
Joseph Cohen, Founder & CEO at @onuniverse (51 mins). Listen to podcast.
Kenny Hanson from @Mentorpass (36 mins). Listen to podcast.
In case you missed it, last Saturday Sako presented NoCode Rumble’s Demo Day. Watch the Youtube Video and listen to the Rumblers present the projects they developed with Sako. Although three and a half hours long, some great insights from the likes of Michael Gill, Chris Spags, Corey Haines and their fellow Makers.
To finish off, I’d like to share with you the following good advice by Harry Stebbings! See ya all tomorrow!