Content, Product First, Fruits 🍎
👋 Welcome!
It took Dru Riley three years as an indie hacker to get to the stage where he made money. A software engineer by background, he worked on a number of different content products before launching earlier this year. In August the weekly newsletter made $24k in revenue from subscriptions. His story reiterates the importance of perseverance and consistency. But, as we learn, urgency can also help ignite success. In his interview with Courtland Allen from Indie Hackers, Dru speaks about the difficulty of finding an idea with “product-market-founder” fit, the latest trends in new markets, and how he was able to grow his newsletter to its current success. Listen here.
🚀 Maker News
Product First
In his latest newsletter, David Sacks points out that founders usually start with a product idea. They know users will like it but they are still unsure about the “market, buyer or business model”. These get solved as things move forward. He explains that “by launching the product first and learning from its adoption, founders discover the market insight, then build the organization they need to operationalize it.” By reviewing Jack Dorsey’s founding of Square, David looks at this process that led to the creation of a $60 billion company. To learn more read the newsletter.
Great thread by Harry Dry in Harry’s Marketing Examples on how an Instagram giveaway of £8k by Molly-Mae resulted in a return of one million followers across different social media channels. Read the full thread.
Content Success
Yesterday Steph Smith published her book “Doing Content Right” on Gumroad. Two months ago, she’d asked the community whether they would be interested in learning everything she knew “about writing, creating, and growing a blog to 400k page views in its first year.” They did and the stats below speak for themself! Buy the book here.
💭 Afterthought
I love this analogy by David Perell on developing ideas. The fruits of your labour come at the end, but the reward will be sweet! Take care and see you tomorrow!
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